Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My dog ate (fill in the blank) !

Well, here is a new one I've heard about.  I've seen a lot of things removed from a dog's stomach, but this one is sad because it came too late. It came out during a necropsy (animal version of autopsy) and the killer was an AA battery. 

I've seen dogs eat rocks, jewelry, cat poo covered in clay litter, a tea bag with staple and tag, peach pits, a Scrunge, a sponge, chocolate of course, but never had I thought that a dog would pick up something so innocuous as a battery, and a dead battery at that.

The toxins in a battery do not go away, they just become inaccessible to the electronic thing that needs the toxins to run.  

battery in flashlight, dog eats battery

This is just one example.

And that isn't the only kind of battery you need to beware of.  Watch batteries, hearing aid batteries, remote control batteries, smoke detector batteries, toy batteries - anything that uses portable power is a potential killer. The smaller the battery, the easier it is to swallow, altho a small battery in a big dog may be found in time before it's too late.
Radiographs!  If your dog is vomiting or having diarrhea, and the vet doesn't have an answer, try an X-ray.  Yes, they're pricey.  Yes, they find things that you'd never guess at.  I spent a lot of money on my dog getting acupuncture and supplements when a single x-ray would have shown the stone in her bladder, which, once removed, cleared up her incontinence in 12 hours flat.
It is the time of year we hear "Batteries not included" with just about every item on the Christmas list.  You buy batteries, batteries can roll off a tabletop, you won't miss them when they're gone (like your wedding ring would be missed).  They don't necessarily cause a blockage, but serious gastrointestinal pain and suffering follow their ingestion.  They rarely come out without doing some damage along the way (unlike, say, a dime or the cat poo).  Don't leave batteries laying around - 9 volt, AAA, AA, C, even D can be swallowed and kill.
Speaking of cats, don't forget that tinsel from the tree can snare up their intestines like an accordion, and death happens quickly.  It's so fun to play with, shiny, and irresistible, just use garland and keep the tinsel off the temptation list.   It is a surgery that is rarely successful if even the cause is discovered in time.     
Going away for the holidays?  Call a trusted Pet Sitter to care for your furry friends while you are vacationing.  In Las Vegas, call me at 702-560-8234, or visit my website at All Pets Concierge Service, LLC.  I am a licensed veterinary technician who has never had a dog eat a battery or a cat eat tinsel!      
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